User Guide ========== Configuration ------------- All configuration for µfmt is done via the :file:`pyproject.toml` file. This is the same file that is used for configuring black and µsort. Specifying options requires adding them to the ``tool.ufmt`` namespace, following this example: .. code-block:: toml [tool.ufmt] excludes = [] Options available are described as follows: .. attribute:: excludes :type: List[str] :value: [] Optional list of supplemental patterns of file paths to exclude from formatting. Each element must be a string following "gitignore" style matching rules. These excludes will be combined with the contents of the project root's :file:`.gitignore` file, and any file or directory path that matches any of these patterns will not be formatted. .. code-block:: toml :caption: pyproject.toml [tool.ufmt] excludes = [ "", "foo/", ] This configuration would ignore the following paths when formatting a project: * :file:`` * :file:`bar/` * :file:`foo/` * :file:`foo/bar/` **Experimental** options may be removed or unsupported in future releases: .. attribute:: formatter :type: str :value: "black" **Experimental** option to use an alternative formatter instead of black. Changing this selection is likely to generate different formatting results as compared to black, especially depending on available or pinned versions of each formatter in µfmt's environment. .. code-block:: toml :caption: pyproject.toml [tool.ufmt] formatter = "ruff-api" See :class:`~ufmt.types.Formatter` for list of supported choices. .. attribute:: sorter :type: str :value: "usort" **Experimental** option to use an alternative sorter instead of µsort. Changing this selection is likely to generate different formatting results as compared to µsort, especially depending on available or pinned versions of each formatter in µfmt's environment. .. code-block:: toml :caption: pyproject.toml [tool.ufmt] sorter = "usort" See :class:`~ufmt.types.Formatter` for list of supported choices. Integrations ------------ µfmt supports integrations with the following tools and services: - `GitHub Actions`_ - `pre-commit`_ - `Visual Studio Code`_ GitHub Actions ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ µfmt can be run as part of a project's existing Actions workflow, adding the following snippet to the ``steps`` section of a job: .. code-block:: yaml steps: - uses: omnilib/ufmt@action-v1 with: path: This can also be added as a standalone workflow. If a ``setup-python`` step is not already used, the :attr:`python-version` input must be specified: .. code-block:: yaml :caption: .github/workflows/ufmt.yml name: "µfmt" on: push: branches: - main pull_request: jobs: check: runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - name: Check formatting uses: omnilib/ufmt@action-v1 with: path: python-version: "3.x" For consistent and predictable behavior in CI, it is recommended to pin your version of black and µsort. These can be individually configured in the workflow (see Options), but prefer using a requirements file with pinned versions, and the µfmt action can install those dependencies if they aren't already installed by a previous step: .. code-block:: :caption: requirements-fmt.txt black==22.6.0 usort==1.0.4 .. code-block:: yaml :caption: .github/workflows/ufmt.yml steps: - uses: omnilib/ufmt@action-v1 with: path: requirements: requirements-fmt.txt **Options** The following inputs are supported to change the way the Action is performed, and must be specified as part of the ``with`` section of the job step: .. attribute:: path (required) One or more paths (relative to the repository root) that should be checked. .. attribute:: requirements Path to a requirements file (relative to repo root) that should be installed before checking formatting. Any pinned version of black, µsort, or µfmt will be used, unless otherwise overridden by :attr:`version`, :attr:`black-version`, or :attr:`usort-version`, or incompatible with the version of µfmt requested. .. attribute:: version The version of µfmt to install and use when checking formatting. Defaults to installing the latest version, or whatever version is already installed by previous steps in the workflow. .. attribute:: black-version The version of black to install and use when checking formatting. Defaults to installing the latest version, or whatever version is already installed by previous steps in the workflow. .. attribute:: python-version When specified, the Github ``actions/setup-python`` action will be triggered, with the given version string as the desired version of Python to use. Using ``"3.x"`` is recommended, to run µfmt using the latest stable release of Python. See the `setup-python advanced usage`__ for supported values. .. __: .. attribute:: usort-version The version of µsort to install and use when checking formatting. Defaults to installing the latest version, or whatever version is already installed by previous steps in the workflow. pre-commit ~~~~~~~~~~ µfmt can format your project automatically before every commit as part of a project's `pre-commit `_ hook. Add the following to the ``.pre-commit-config.yaml`` file: .. code-block:: yaml - repo: rev: v2.0.0 hooks: - id: ufmt .. attribute:: additional_dependencies Preferred versions of black and µsort should be provided for consistent results. By default, µfmt will format using the latest versions of black and µsort. .. code-block:: yaml - repo: hooks: - id: ufmt additional_dependencies: - black == 22.6.0 - usort == 1.0.4 Visual Studio Code ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ µfmt has an official VS Code extension to use µfmt as a formatter for Python files. Once installed, µfmt can be set as the default formatter with the following settings: .. code-block:: json "[python]": { "editor.defaultFormatter": "omnilib.ufmt" } µfmt can automatically format when saving with the following settings: .. code-block:: json "[python]": { "editor.defaultFormatter": "omnilib.ufmt", "editor.formatOnSave": true } For more details, or to install the extension, see the Visual Studio Marketplace page: .. image:: :alt: VS Code extension marketplace :target: .. image:: :alt: Install VS Code extension now :target: vscode:extension/omnilib.ufmt